Projekti HAWKING pionier në transformimin digjital në arsimin e lartë për studentët me aftësi të kufizuara në Ballkanin Perëndimor

ERASMUS-EDU-2023-CBHE Project number: 101128741 Harvesting (digital) Alternation in Ways that Knock-down Inaccessibility of New Generations/HAWKING Kontakt për UV-në: Assoc. Prof. Bledar Toska Projekti HAWKING pionier në transformimin digjital në arsimin e lartë për studentët me aftësi të kufizuara në Ballkanin Perëndimor Përmes një iniciative novatore të frymëzuar ngRead More…

The Fourth Train-the Trainer Module of the project INTEC

In the context of the implementation of the project entitled “International Engineering Competence Centers to push Sustainable Mobility Development in Albania and Montenegro – INTEC (Proposal number: 101081873)” with the main partner University of Applied Sciences FH Joanneuam (FHJ) – Graz Austria, on 17-21 June 2024, took place the Fourth Train-the Trainer Module. The training activities lastedRead More…

the 2nd Partnership Meeting – International Engineering Competence Centers to push Sustainable Mobility Development in Albania and Montenegro – INTEC

In the context of the implementation of the project entitled “International Engineering Competence Centers to push Sustainable Mobility Development in Albania and Montenegro – INTEC (Proposal number: 101081873)” with the main partner University of Applied Sciences FH Joanneuam (FHJ) – Graz Austria, on June 18, 2024, the 2nd Partnership Meeting, took place. The meeting was held in Tirana and twentyRead More…

Ftesë për ofertë – Titulli i Projektit: “Mobility recognition for integration /MORIN” (Project Reference number: 101128376) Erasmus + KA2, strand 1.

Titulli i Projektit: “Mobility recognition for integration /MORIN” (Project Reference number: 101128376) Erasmus + KA2, strand 1.       Titulli i Kontratës:  Blerje e pajisjeve hard në kuadër të projektit:  “Mobility recognition for integration /MORIN”.     1.            Jeni i ftuar të paraqisni çmimet tuaja të ofertës për furnizimin me artikujt bashkëRead More…

The fourth Train-the Trainer Module -Train-the-trainer Modules & Internal Train-the-trainer Sessions – INTEC project

In the context of the implementation of the project entitled “International Engineering Competence Centers to push Sustainable Mobility Development in Albania and Montenegro – INTEC (Proposal number: 101081873)” with the main partner University of Applied Sciences FH Joanneuam (FHJ) – Graz Austria, on 17-21 June 2024, it is planned the fourth Train-the Trainer Module. The training activities will Read More…

Third Train-the Trainer Module – project International Engineering Competence Centers to push Sustainable Mobility Development in Albania and Montenegro – INTEC

In the context of the implementation of the project entitled “International Engineering Competence Centers to push Sustainable Mobility Development in Albania and Montenegro – INTEC (Proposal number: 101081873)” with the main partner University of Applied Sciences FH Joanneuam (FHJ) – Graz Austria, on 10-12 June 2024, took place the Third Train-the Trainer Module. The training activities lasted thRead More…

Implementimi i projektit me titull “International Engineering Competence Centers to push Sustainable Mobility Development in Albania and Montenegro – INTEC

Në kuadër të implementimit të projektit me titull “International Engineering Competence Centers to push Sustainable Mobility Development in Albania and Montenegro – INTEC (Proposal number: 101081873)” me partnerin kryesor Universitetin e Shkencave të Aplikuara FH Joanneuam (FHJ) – Graz Austri, më 14-16 maj 2024, u zhvillua Moduli i Dytë Train-The Trainer. Aktivitetet e trajnimit zgjatën Read More…

Kampi SOCIAL SMOodle Në kuadër ë projektit me titull “International Engineering Competence Centers to push Sustainable Mobility Development in Albania and Montenegro – INTEC

In the context of the implementation of the project entitled “International Engineering Competence Centers to push Sustainable Mobility Development in Albania and Montenegro – INTEC (Proposal number: 101081873)“ with the main partner University of Applied Sciences FH Joanneum (FHJ) – Graz Austria, on 09-10th of April, 2024, the SOCIAL SMOodle Camp, Day 1 and Day 2 took place. The training acRead More…


  Akronim i Projektit: VITALISE Titulli i Projektit: Virtual Health and Wellbeing Living Lab Infrastructure Numri i Projektit: 101007990 Tematika: Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme INFRAIA-02-2020 Integrating Activities for Starting Communities Tema e projektit fitues: Using art therapy and Vitamin D for the prevention of cognitive decline of AlzRead More…

Takimi i parë i projektit ERASMUS-EDU-2023-CBHE-strand 1, “MORIN-Mobility Recognition for Integration”

Në datat 18-19 janar 2024 u mbajt takimi i parë i projektit ERASMUS-EDU-2023-CBHE-strand 1, “MORIN-Mobility Recognition for Integration”, i cili koordinohet nga Universiteti “Ismail Qemali”. Me fokus njohjen akademike të mobilitetit të studentëve bazuar në rezultatet e të nxënit, MORIN synon të ofrojë një qasje novatore pedagogjike që siguron transparencën e kurrikulës, krahaRead More…