njoftime Thirrje

Bursa Erasmus + Për Student në Universitetin e Studimeve të Bergamos, Itali.

ERASMUS+ HIGHER EDUCATION STUDENTS MOBILITY – KEY ACTION 107 – International Credit Mobility Project – 2019-1-IT02-KA107-061514

 Call for Applications Student Mobility for Studies

Academic Year 2022-23 (First semester)

 Art. 2. Mobility Types and Available Places

Under this call for applications, the following places are available for prospective candidates from Universiteti “Ismail Qemali” Vlorë, Albania to Università degli Studi di Bergamo, Italia:

  • Bachelor (at least in their second year of studies) and/or Master level: two (2) places in the following academic areas (ISCED code/s):

Art. 3. Start and Duration of the Mobility Period

First  semester: October  1, 2022 up to February 28, 2023 for a total of 5 months.

 All mobility activities must end by June 15, 2023.

Art. 4. Admission Requirements

4.1 In order to apply, prospective applicants must be regularly enrolled at Universiteti “Ismail Qemali” Vlorë” at the time of application and for the whole duration of the mobility.

4.2 Language proficiency

Applicants are required to have a B2 level in Italian in order to attend   Italian-taught courses, or have achieved a B2 level in English for English-taught courses. Levels are based on the CEFR (see Common European Framework of Reference for Languages – Self-assessment grid http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu/en/resources/european-language-levels-cefr).

In order to be eligible, applicants must provide Self-assessment grid http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu/en/resources/european-language-levels-cefr) approved by a teacher.

For more information click here: Thirrje Bergamo 2022 (1) (3) (1)

Student Application form (2)