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TANGRAM – Transnational pArks aNd Gardens Resources in Adriatic and ionian tourist Marketplace[:en]TANGRAM – Transnational pArks aNd Gardens Resources in Adriatic and Ionian tourist Marketplace


TANGRAM – Transnational pArks aNd Gardens Resources in Adriatic and ionian tourist Marketplace

Project Opening Conference

Friday 30 July 2021

U mbajt më 30 Korrik 2021 online  “Opening Conference” e projektit “TangramTransnational pArks aNd Gardens Resources in Adriatic and ionian tourist Marketplace”, organizuar nga Development Agency of Evia, Greece, partner i projektit TANGRAMmbeshtetur nga Lead Partner “Municipality of Monza”, Italy. Në konferencë morën pjesë si dhe referuan partnerët e projektit Tangram nga shtete si Itali, Slloveni, Serbi, Croacia, Bosnje Hercegovina, Mali I Zi, Shqiperi dhe Greqi.

Universiteti “Ismail Qemali” i Vlores u përfaqësua nga koordinatorja e projektit TANGRAM  Prof.Assoc.Dr Xhiliola Agaraj (Shehu) me dy referime.

Referimi i parë “Common Ghallenges and Joint Solutions” konsistonte në evidentimin e sfidave dhe zgjidhjeve të përbashketa të destinacioneve turistike të marra në studim për gjithë zonën e Adrionit, pjesë e paketës së punës “Benchmarking Analysis and  Transnational Cooperation Network”, për të cilën Universiteti i Vlorës ishte partner përgjegjës.

Referimi i dytë u fokusua tek prezantimi i Universitetit të Vlorës referuar misionit,  programeve të studimit që ofron, projekteve ndërkombëtare që ka aktualisht në implementim, si dhe objektivave të ndërkombetarizimit.


TANGRAM – Transnational pArks aNd Gardens Resources in Adriatic and Ionian tourist Marketplace

Project Opening Conference

Friday 30 July 2021

The “Opening Conference” of the project Tangram- Transnational parks and Gardens Resources in Adriatic and ionian tourist Marketplace”, was held on 30 July 2021 online, organized by the project partner Development Agency of Evia, Greece, supported by Lead Partner “Municipality of Monza”, Italy. The conference was attended and referred by Tangram project partners from countries such as Italy, Slovenia, Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania and Greece.

University “Ismail Qemali” of Vlora was represented by the TANGRAM project coordinator Prof.Assoc.Dr.  Xhiliola Agaraj (Shehu) with two references.

The first reference “Common Ghallenges and Joint Solutions” consisted of identifying common challenges and solutions of the tourist destinations surveyed for the entire Adrion area, part of the work package WPT1 “Benchmarking Analysis and Transnational Cooperation Network”, for which the University of Vlora was a responsible partner.

The second reference focused on the presentation of the University of Vlora regarding to the mission, study programs offered, international projects currently being implemented, as well as internationalization objectives.