njoftime Thirrje

Hapet Thirrja e Parë IPA Interreg e Adriatikut Jugor 2021-2027

Kemi kënaqësinë të njoftojmë se është bërë shpallja paraprake për thirrjen e parë për projekt propozime të IPA Interreg e Adriatikut Jugor “Capitalisation Small-Scale Projects”.

Publikimi zyrtar i thirrjes planifikohet të bëhet pas miratimit të programit, përkatësisht në qershor 2022, dhe do të jetë i hapur për 90 ditë kalendarike nga dita e publikimit.

Për më shumë mbi sanksionet e thirrjes paraprake, objektivat e saj si dhe lejueshmërinë e aplikimit ju lutem studioni tekstin të publikuar në linkun e mëposhtëm:


Nëse është e nevojshme, kërkoni për partnerë duke plotësuar formularin e mëposhtëm: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdbWREOF_nzBO8YCNxMNgMB7xeARlE3F8sm3wfpRxXOx_yF3g/viewform .

Më 26 maj 2022, nga ora 13:30 deri në orën 15:30 do të organizohet sesioni online “Dita e hapjes”, ku ju mund të mërrni pjesë si dhe të bëni pyetje në lidhje me thirrjen paraprake, në linkun e mwposhtwm: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScIzsjbPQJLCAn2_A29MtHSxAdVAHhXkPHALC8wzEpQkpYS3Q/viewform

Spring is in bloom, and so are we. Our projects are working at full speed, with important achievements. The new Interreg IPA South Adriatic programme was sent to the European Commission, and approval is expected by June. We are working hard for the capitalization of results and the drafting of the first call for proposal that will be launched after programme approval.

Meanwhile, we encourage you to get started: 1) Study the text of the pre-call; 2) If needed, search for partners; 3) Register for the Open Day, scheduled on 26 May.

We look forward to your great ideas!.

Your team of the Interreg IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro

INTERREG IPA SOUTH ADRIATIC, first call! Online Open Day on 26 May

The first call of the 2021-27 period is coming! Get ready!

We are glad to announce that the representatives of the three countries at the 2021-27 Task Force agreed on the text of the pre-announcement for the first call for project proposals of the Interreg IPA South Adriatic.

The formal adoption of the programme by the EU Commission is expected by June 2022, therefore the first call will be approved by the programme Monitoring Committee just after that, possibly with some adaptations and further specifications to this text.

However, we encourage you to get started:

Study the text of the pre-call, published HERE.

If needed, search for partners by filling in this FORM.

On 26 May 2022, from 13:30 to 15:30, you may ask all your questions about the pre-call, at the OPEN DAY online session. Please register at this LINK.