Erasmus + KA107
Project 2016-1-ES01-KA107-024540
the selection of
Staff for Teaching
Administrative Staff for Training

GENERAL BASES. Project2016-1-ES01-KA107-024540
All Universities taking part in the mobility programme ERASMUS + KA107 Western Balkans coordinated by the Universidade de Vigo need to publish a Call/Announcement to select appropriate staff to spend a teaching/training mobility period at Universidade de Vigo.
The Universidade de Vigo according to the budgetary availability will finance the mobilities included In the inter-institutional agreement signed with your institution. Institutions may nominate extra staff to have a replacement list in case there is staff cancelling the mobility.
The Internal Call or Announcement will contain:
- Brief reference to the program Erasmus +:
ERASMUS+ is an education program promoted by the European Commission to encourage cooperation among European Countries and also among European and non-European countries. ERASMUS + finances, among others, mobilities of Teachers, Researchers and University Staff.
- Number of grants: those included in the inter-institutional agreement (mobility from Western Balkans to the Universidade de Vigo).
- Duration and period of the mobility: 5 working days (+ one day travel to arrive to UVigo + one day travel to return to the home university) between 16th and 29th April 2018.
- Amount of the grant: 1200 euros (360€ for travel and 120 euros per day of mobility (including the travel days) x 7 days). The Universidade de Vigo will pay this total amount to the bank account provided by each beneficiary after the arrival to the Universidade de Vigo. The staff will be in charge of booking their own travel and accommodation. The Universidade de Vigo will provide information about available options for accommodation for selected candidates.
- VISA: the Unversidade de Vigo will provide letters of acceptance to all selected beneficiaries so that they may apply for visa if needed. Staff will be in charge of making all necessary steps to obtain their VISA for Spain.
- Insurance: The Universidade de Vigo will provide all beneficiaries with an insurance policy that comply with Erasmus + requirements.
- Conditions staff must fulfil:
- Candidates will be teaching, research or administrative staff employed at your university.
- Staff must prove contractual relation with the university.
- They must be staff of your University during the application period and maintain this condition during the mobility perio
- Priority could be given to staff who has not participated before in mobility actions.
- In the case of Staff for Teaching Priority could be given to those whose teaching and/or researching activity coincides with any of the Thematic Areas included in the project established taking into account the thematic priorities of the Western Balkans and its Enlargement Strategy and the 5 pillars of Strategy 2020: smart, sustainable, inclusive, integrated growth and cooperation and governance for growth.
- In the case of Staff for Training, priority will be given to those people working in international cooperation, administration and services staff working in international offices or in other services related with the current Erasmus + project with the aim to increase an boost collaboration among institutions. Main aim: job training and period of observation.
- In order to be eligible it is required that candidates have good level of English.
- During the stay teaching staff must run a minimum of 8 hours per week of teaching.
- The current action does not include participation in congresses and conferences.
A training session will be also organized by the Universidade de Vigo during the visit between Western Balkan teachers, Western Balkans administrative staff and local UVigo staff, to exchange ideas and encourage the implementation of new joint Erasmus + projects.
- Application procedure and deadline: The call must include that all staff have to submit the following documents to you as well as the place of presentation and deadline:
– a) copy of the passport
– b) curriculum vitae in English language
– c) proof of contractual relation with your university
– d) staff mobility agreement for teaching: signed by the candidate, by your university and by the UVIgo professor.
Hereby, you may find the list of international coordinators at our Faculties/Schools who are already aware of this project to ask them for acceptance and the signature of the staff mobility agreement for teaching:
– d) staff mobility agreement for training: signed by the candidate, by your university and by our international office. E-mail to send the agreements for approval: ka107balcanes@uvigo.es
- Selection procedure: you will have to submit us (ka107balcanes@uvigo.es) a signed and sealed document with the list of beneficiaries to the Universidade de Vigo (and their documents above mentioned) including the names of the members of your selection committee and the selection criteria. The following principles must be respected when selecting your beneficiaries: no discrimination, transparency, gender equality, academic merit and curriculum.