[:sq]Ne kuader te Programit Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions Individual Fellowships MSCA-IF, e cila finananco Post-Doktoratura (mesatarisht 6000 euro ne muaj, per II Vjet), Universiteti i Padoves ka hapur Thirrjen MSCA MaRaThon, ku kerkuesit shkencor qe planifikojne te aplikojne ne MSCA-IF, mund te zgjiedhin Universitetin e Padoves si Institucion Prites dhe do te Trajnohen nga ky i fundit on-line se si te shkruajne nje Projekt te suksesshem.
Per me shume informacion, lutem ndiqni mesazhin si me poshte vijon.
Pune te mbare
Dear Colleagues,
The 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions call for Individual Fellowships is now open!
The University of Padova is looking for outstanding researchers wishing to apply to the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship programme with the University of Padova as Host Institution.
Top candidates for Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship (MSCA – IF) will have the possibility to participate in the MSCA MaRaThoN – Master your Research and Training Needs, a training programme organized by UniPD on how to write a successful proposal for the next MSCA–IF call and will be supported by the staff of the International Research Office throughout the preparation of application for the MSCA-IF 2020 call.
Due to the current emergency the MSCA MaRaThoN 2020 will be fully delivered online through a combination of recorded thematic videos, writing workshops and mandatory live stream classes.
Deadline to apply is 21 April 2020, at 1:00 p.m. Italian time zone.
For more information about MSCA MaRaThoN: https://www.unipd.
Moreover Researchers that choose the University of Padova as their planned Host Institution and are not funded by the European Commission, but receive the “Seal of Excellence – MSC Actions” can apply for the Seal of Excellence @UniPD funding programme.
For more information about MSCA Seal of Excellence@Unipd: https://www.
Any further clarification requests can be addressed to mariecurie.marathon@unipd.