Kampusi Industrial Ferrol (CIF) ka shpallur thirrjen për bursa në shkollën ndërkombëtare verore në periudhën 17-28 Korrik 2023.
Kampusi Industrial Ferrol është pjesë e Universitetit të A Coruña (Spanjë) dhe është i pari
kampus specializimi i akredituar nga qeveria rajonale.
Si pjesë e strategjisë së ndërkombëtarizimit, po organizohet një Shkollë Verore Ndërkombëtare mbi Industrinë e zgjuar dhe Prodhimin e Avancuar dhe ofrohen 15 bursa për të rritur diversitetin ndërkombëtar të studentëve në fushat:
- Robotika Industriale
- Materiale
- Optimizimi i Proceseve Industriale
- Inxhinieri Detare dhe Detare
- Menaxhimi Industrial
- Zhvillim i produktit
Më shumë informacion gjendet në broshurën bashkëlidhur këtij njoftimi.
Afati i aplikimit është deri më 4 qeshor 2023.
Ferrol, 17th to 28th July 2023
Ferrol Industrial Campus (CIF) is part of the University of A Coruña (Spain) and it is the first specialisation campus accredited by the regional government. Located in the city of Ferrol, an international benchmark in shipbuilding with the most modern shipyards in Europe, Ferrol Industrial Campus is growing in a city marked by its industrial character, which represents an opportunity for collaboration with driving companies in strategic industrial sectors such as the naval, maritime, logistics, industrial, metal-mechanical, textile and automotive sectors, among others.
As part of our internationalisation strategy, we are organising an International Summer School on Smart Industry and Advanced Manufacturing, our key specialisation areas. This ISS has been designed for university students and recent graduates as well as researchers and professors willing to upgrade their skills. Located in Ferrol, all programs are offered in English, with an academic value of 3 ECTS credits and will have a length of one week (either from 17th to 21st July 2023 or from 24th to 28th July 2023).
The programme offers 15 scholarships to increase the international diversity of students participating in its International Summer School.
The deadline to apply for these scholarships is 4th June 2023.
Scholarships’ applicants must select one of the following fields for the courses:
- Industrial Robotics
- Materials
- Optimisation of Industrial Processes
- Naval and Offshore Engineering
- Industrial Management
- Product Development
These scholarships cover a course’s tuition fees, accommodation and meals in a student hall of residence during ISS period. Travel expenses to Ferrol must be paid by the participants themselves.
Applicants’ Requirements
Scholarships’ applicants must meet the following requirements:
- Foreign nationality (Not Spanish).
- A minimum of B1 level of English.
- Previous knowledge in the field of studies.
What CIF offers
Ferrol Industrial Campus will offer the following conditions:
- CIF will pay the scholarship holders for accommodation and meals during the week of their course.
- At the end of the course, CIF will issue a certificate of attendance stating the title of the course and the number of ECTS credits.
Scholarship categories
a) Single applicant:
– One person alone wants to apply for the CIF ISS scholarship.
– S/he will have study two courses worth 3 ECTS each, one course during the first week (from 17th to 21st July 2023) and a second course during the second week (from 24th to 28th July 2023). The courses can be from the same field or different ones.
– S/he will have to cover the travel expenses by him/herself.
– S/he will stay at the same hall of residence for the two weeks.
b) Peer applicants: (Priority over single applicants)
– Two people decide to apply together for a joint CIF ISS scholarship.
– They may come from the same institution and/or country or not.
– They will have to study two courses worth 3 ECTS each, one course during the first week (from 17th to 21st July 2023) and a second course during the second week (from 24th to 28th July 2023). The courses can be from the same field or different ones.
– Course tuition fees will be free for both applicants.
– They will have to cover the travel expenses by themselves.
– Each of the applicants will have accommodation and meals included just for one week. That means they will have to pay for accommodation and meals for the other remaining week:
Peer applicant A:
From 17th to 21st July 2023: Free course, free accommodation, free meals
From 24th to 28th July 2023: Free course but s/he will pay for accommodation and meals (the student will have to look for accommodation him/herself)
Peer applicant B:
From 17th to 21st July 2023: Free course but s/he will pay for accommodation and meals (the student will have to look for accommodation him/herself)
From 24th to 28th July 2023: Free course, free accommodation, free meals
Selection criteria
1. Priority will be given to Peer Applications.
2. No more than one scholarship (either single or peer application) will be awarded per home country unless there are insufficient applications for the others.
3. Previous studies in an area of knowledge related to the field applied for.
4. Brief letter of motivation.
5. Level of English language.
The Selection Committee might interview the candidates in order to analyse in more detail the previous background, motivation or even guarantee an appropriate level of English.
Interested candidates must fill in https://forms.office.com/e/
Deadline: 4th June 2023
The list of beneficiaries will be published no later than 7th June 2023. Each participant awarded with the ISS Scholarship will receive a message of in his/her email box.
Students will have to answer that email confirming their acceptance within the next 3 days.
In case students do not confirm, the scholarship will be given to the next student on the waiting list.
Upon acceptance, awarded participants will have 7 days to send us a copy of their flight tickets. Otherwise, the scholarship will be cancelled.
For more information, contact internacionalizacion.