

Studentët shqiptarë dhe ata të rajonit mund të aplikojnë deri në 15 shkurt 2023 me një punim që duhet të përmbushë këto kritere:

• Punimi duhet t’u përmbahet rregullave të shkrimit akademik;
• Të jetë në gjuhën angleze;
• Të jetë punim origjinale dhe të mos përmbajë plagjiaturë, ndaj për këtë të gjitha punimet do t’u nënshtrohen një kontrolli nga Komisioni i Vlerësimit nëpërmjet platformës “akademia.al”;
• Të jetë punim argumentues;
• Të përmbajë 2.000 – 2.500 fjalë;
• Të paktën 50% e referencave në punim duhet të jenë nga “JSTOR”.

Për me tëpër informacion, vizitoni faqen e CleanScore në https://cleanscore.al/konkursi

Research Paper Competition – 4th Edition
There will always be something new and interesting to discover!
The Albanian-American Development Foundation, through the CleanScore project, has enabled the access to JSTOR for all the public partner universities – www.jstor.org. Being one of the biggest digital libraries of academic journals, books, and primary sources, JSTOR provides useful materials to all the students, professors, and researchers of different disciplines.
In order to encourage the scientific research among students, as well as the use of the digital library JSTOR, CleanScore has undertaken the initiative of organizing the Research Paper Competition – 4th edition.

The participation in this competition is open for all the students that are currently attending a study program at one of the High Education Institutions in Albania and in the region.
There is no limitation regarding the discipline of the research papers that will participate in the competition.
Admission criteria:
• Papers must adhere to the rules of the academic writing
• Papers must be original work and not contain plagiarism. The evaluation committee will conduct a check through the Akademia.al platform
• The research paper must be argumentative
• The paper must contain 2.000 – 2.500 words
• At least 50% of the references must be from JSTOR
• The paper should be in English
Winning papers will be announced at the end of the competition.

You can read more information by visiting our web page on https://cleanscore.al/konkursi